Wedding of Aubrey & Caden Huffaker

One summer afternoon in 2019, Aubrey was sitting at work when she got a text from her hairdresser that said, “you’ve been warned”

One summer afternoon in 2019, Aubrey was sitting at work when she got a text from her hairdresser that said, “you’ve been warned"

Within the same minute, she received another text from an unknown number that read, “Hey is this Aubrey? :)”. Turns out that unknown number belonged to a boy named Caden. They instantly connected and talked the night away. 

Two weeks later, they went out on their first date and they both knew they were more than just a fling. Two months later, on Halloween, Cade gave Aubrey quite the treat by getting down on one knee and asking her to be his wife. 

“I of course said yes, because well, nothing ever felt more right!” – Aubrey

Four months later, on February 20, 2020 they sealed the deal at the Ogden Temple, and then celebrated their reception with family at the Copper Nickel. 

“The venue was perfect and made all of our dreams come true. Believe it or not it was actually Cades idea we check it out, and I’m so glad it was! The moment we walked in at our first appointment I fell in love. We absolutely loved the rustic feel, as well as the coziness with all of the lights. Plus it was a bonus just being up the street from the temple! The staff was also great at helping our vision come to life, as well as accommodate our special requests.” – Aubrey

It truly was a day full of of so much love, and it went off without a hitch!

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