
Meet the Team – “Executive Assistant”

Treat and train your employees right and they will be the greatest asset you will ever have

Treat and train your employees right and they will be the greatest asset you will ever have

I am an Executive Assistant who is there for the Executive Director at all times, just not physically. Is that even possible?

Working remotely in the Philippines for the best event center in Utah has been so challenging at first; the distance, the different time zone, the things I had to learn along the way were so overwhelming at first. 

So how did I overcome it exactly? By three major things: 

  • My colleague’s never-ending support and belief in me
  • Through the constant virtual communication, I have with the ever beautiful and hardworking director, Ms. Brianna Chamberlain, who has been there for me every step of the way
  • By simply seeing the beauty and being inspired by the smiles of our amazing client’s faces and the bonus thank you’s from them through email, calls, texts, and even pictures and videos that are posted from their joyous events.


It is utterly heartwarming to be able to work for people’s milestones and I am just glad to be a small part of it and witness their happiness as they unravel chapters of their lives. 

So, to our dear clients, THANK YOU and to our future clients, choose passionate people who will work hard to achieve your dream event. 

Choose the most unique and historical event center. Choose Copper Nickel TODAY.

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